How to Use Campaigns vs. Triggered Messages in Your SMS Marketing Strategy

Learn how to design a well-rounded SMS program by understanding the difference between campaigns and triggered messages.

Your first step after deciding to begin your SMS marketing journey, is to choose the right partner that fits your needs. There are a few key things to consider when choosing an SMS marketing partner. A good reputation is essential. Find out what features and options they offer because although the essence of an SMS marketing provider might be the same, the nuances are important to understand. Of course, pricing is an essential part of the puzzle so make sure to do your research because it can vary greatly across different companies. If you’re a Shopify merchant looking for a cost effective, efficient and well reputed SMS marketing solution, check out SuperCharged SMS.

Once you’ve chosen your SMS marketing provider, the next hurdle is setting up campaigns and custom flows. If you’re unsure about where to begin, you’re not alone. Continue reading to learn more about what makes campaigns and triggered messages special, what to avoid doing with both, and how to use each to meet your campaign objectives.

Campaign messages vs. Triggered Message Flows

SMS marketing campaigns are typically one-way messages that are sent to a large group of people at once. Triggered message flows are two-way messages that are sent in response to a specific action or event. You can find some great examples for both here.

Campaign Messages
Campaigns are one-time messages you can send to generate urgency and boost sales. You must schedule them in advance based on your marketing content calendar. They’re perfect for promoting offers that are time sensitive and that you want customers to take advantage of right away. However, you may also customize them to engage your subscribers during non-promotional times, enhance retention, and build brand awareness.

Consider designing and distributing campaigns around the following three content categories:

  1. Discounts and special offers, such as flash sales, seasonal deals, or SMS-only benefits (e.g., first access to shop your sales).
  2. Non-promotional information like product tips and lessons, back-in-stock notices, or the introduction of new collections or releases.
  3. Order Updates like shipping / delivery status.
Triggered Messages
A triggered message is a message that is sent based on a trigger. For example, a trigger could be set, to send a message to a user 24 hours after they sign up for a service. Triggers can also be set to send a message when a user completes a certain task, such as making a purchase or abandons their cart.These messages are typically used in response to an event or action like when a customer abandons a shopping cart, a triggered message may be sent to encourage them to complete their purchase. This is extremely common for online businesses these days. Some more examples for event triggers include:
  1. A welcome series for new subscribers
  2. Cart abandonment / browser abandonment reminders
  3. Post-purchase communications
  4. Alerts for low inventory, price changes, and returns in stock
In conclusion, SMS marketing can be a very effective way to reach customers and promote your product or service. However, it is important to use campaign messages and triggered messages to maximize the ROI of your SMS marketing. This can be a very effective way to reach potential customers who might be interested in your product or service. Check out SuperCharged SMS to learn more!